Capital Blue Cross (CBC):

Enrolling in Benefits

To enroll in health, dental and vision insurance plans, flexible spending accounts and/or health savings account, log in to Workday and complete the following steps within 25 days of your hire date:

  • 1. Log in to Workday from home or work
  • 2. If you are not adding dependents please skip to step 4 Click on the Benefits Worklet from the home screen.
  • 3. If you are enrolling Dependents, click on the Dependents button under ‘Change’ then click the Add button. You will need to enter the name that appears on their Social Security Card, their relation to you, date of birth, gender, Social Security or Tax ID number, and address, then click Submit. If you do not have their Social Security or Tax ID number, you can leave it blank but you will be required to provide a reason for the blank field on a later screen. You are required to attach documentation to verify identity and eligibility for the dependent you are adding prior to submitting the dependent. Repeat this process until all Dependents have been entered.
  • 4. Click on your name in the top-right corner of your screen, then click Inbox. You should see ‘Benefit Change – New Hire/Rehire’ as one of the inbox items.
  • 5. You will be required to make an election for every benefit that is not grayed out on the next several screens. Choose either Elect or Waive for each benefit type. If you are covering anyone else besides yourself, you will need to also select the Dependents that you would like to cover for each benefit, under Enroll Dependents. Click in the box and choose Existing Dependents (that you added in an earlier step) and click on the box next to each dependent you would like to cover. Click Continue at the bottom of each page until you get to the Submit button.
  • 6. Carefully review all the benefit choices you made and click Submit.
  • For more detailed directions, please click here.

    If you are enrolling dependents, you will need to provide documentation for proof of their relationship to you. If you do not complete the dependent audit, your dependent(s) will be removed from your coverage. For more information, please click here.

    Quick Links:

    Who are Eligible Dependents?
    What do I need to know about benefit enrollment?

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