Paid Time Bank – Eligibility: 0.2 FTE or 0.4FTE*

LG Health refers to the collection of your paid time off hours as the Paid Time Bank.

You accrue hours in your Paid Time Bank for the purposes of vacation time, personal time, short-term illness or injury.

Employees are not required to differentiate between the categories above when requesting paid time off. The accrued balance may be used in any way the employee chooses.

Paid Time Off is scheduled per department policy to ensure that managers and fellow employees can meet staffing and workload adjustments based on department needs. Be sure to review the Paid Time Bank Policy in the StarNet Policy Center.

Employee PTB accruals begin on their date of hire and employees may utilize PTB accruals immediately for any scheduled absences. Note: Non-exempt employees may not utilize PTB for unscheduled absences within their first 90 days of employment.

Year-end PTB balances are rolled over from one year to the next, up to the PTB accrual maximum. Maximum accrual limits vary based on your position, length of service and your entity at LG Health.

*LGMG employees must be an assigned 0.4FTE or greater to be eligible to accrue PTB.

Paid Parental Time Benefit – Eligibility: 0.5 FTE or greater

This new benefit provides up to four weeks of Paid Parental Time (PPT) to eligible employees following the birth or adoption placement of a dependent child. Similar to Paid Time Bank (PTB) and Short Term Disability (STD), PPT is paid at 100% of the employee’s base pay rate.

Eligibility Requirements:
To qualify for PPT, staff must be employed at LG Health for six consecutive months, as well as be a .5 FTE or greater, prior to the birth or adoption of their child.

  • If both parents are LG Health employees, both parents are eligible for PPT.
  • Employees are eligible for four weeks of PPT prorated based on FTE at the time of the leave. For example: 1.0 FTE = 160 PPT hours, .5 FTE = 80 PPT hours.

Request Process:
Employees should work with their manager in anticipation of a parental-related leave. To view a flow chart outlining the income replacement order while on a paid parental leave of absence, click here.

Use of PPT:
Leaves beginning on July 1, 2022 or after, as well as employees who remain on an approved leave as of July 1, are eligible to utilize PPT. PPT must be taken in one continuous period within six months after the birth or adoption of a dependent child.



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