What you need to know about Benefit Enrollment

All eligible employees must enroll for benefits within 30 days of their hire date and/or qualifying life event.

  • Your benefits become effective the first of the month, on or after, your date of hire.  For example if you are hired on June 1st, your benefits become effective immediately.  If You are hired on June 2nd, your benefits become effective July 1st.
  • ADP is the platform used to enroll yourself, your spouse and/or dependents for benefits. You can access ADP through StarNet at work or the internet from home.

*Benefit effective dates may vary between job classes.

Enrolling In Benefits

To enroll in health, dental and vision insurance plans, flexible spending accounts and/or health savings account, log in to ADP and complete the following steps within 30 days of your hire date:
For more detailed directions click here.

You will need to provide documentation to prove that your dependents are eligible to participate in the Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health benefits.  Our third-party administrator, ADP, will request this information from your directly via U.S. mail, and via email after you enroll.

  1. Go to the ADP enrollment site to make your benefit elections for the following benefits:
    • Medical/Prescription
    • Dental
    • Vision
    • Flexible Spending Account(s) (FSAs)
      • Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) and/or
      • Dependent (Day) Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA)
    • Health Savings Account (HSA)
  2. Make sure you have the following information available to before you begin the enrollment process:
    • Names, Social Security Number (SSN) and birth date of your dependents and beneficiaries
    • Addresses for your beneficiaries
  3. Be sure to submit your final elections within 30 days of your eligibility date.

Retirement Benefits Enrollment

  1. Use the Fidelity website to make elections for the 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan.
  2. Make sure you have the following information before you enroll:
    • Your name, last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) and your birth date
  3. Manage your account on the Fidelity website or download the NetBenefits app.
    • If you do not elect otherwise, 6% of your eligible pay will be deducted from your paycheck and deposited into your 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan as a pre-tax contribution after 45 days of employment with LG Health.
    • Declining participation during the first 45 days of employment does not prevent you from participating in the future.
    • Your 6% pre-tax contribution will be increased each July*, in 1% increments – not to exceed 10% of your pay.